I'm a Redox Signaling Molecule
I'm in your body and help you to be healthy and vital.

Declining cell function
Skin Care
it can be me
Your body has always been producing me on its own as I am responsible for many essential processes. But due to aging and environmental influences your body is building less of me. The communication channels that keep your organs in top shape, decline more and more.
can be supplemented now
Your skin must deal with external circumstances and the aging process on a daily basis.
Thanks to ASEA the so important redox signaling molecules can be provided to your body from the outside. Absolutely natural, like in your body.
ASEA is offering you these two possibilities
Outside the body produced and stabilized redox signaling molecules in a saline delivery system are the world's first supplement of its kind.
The ASEA technology assists your body from the outside thanks to redox signaling molecules which are the base for the gel to apply on your skin.
The ASEA drink made of perfectly balanced redox signaling molecules based on the science-based, patented technology is changing lives around the world.
RENU 28 is a whole-body skin care gel that improves skin health at the cellular level. Concentrated redox signaling molecules assist the natural cell regeneration.
RENU Advanced, the first and only skin face care system with redox signaling molekules and the best of the nature for a healthy, youthful appearance.
behind the ASEA products
ASEA found a way to produce in laboratory the same natural redox signaling molecules our body is building on its own. Now it's possible to provide them from the outside when you become older. Do you wanna know more?
as a base for your business
Do you wanna build your ASEA Business and generate constant wealth by helping others? This is possible now, together with our team.